Teeth whitening is a cosmetic procedure that helps to brighten and whiten discolored or stained teeth. While there are several methods for whitening teeth, trays and in-office (e.g., Zoom and Opalescence™) teeth whitening are two of the most popular options.

Tray-based Teeth Whitening

Tray-based teeth whitening is a simple and effective method for whitening teeth. This method involves using a custom-made tray, which is made by taking an impression of your teeth. The tray is then filled with a whitening gel and placed over your teeth for a specific period, usually for a few hours a day for several days. The whitening gel contains hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide, which bleaches the enamel of your teeth and removes the stains.


  • Tray-based teeth whitening is a convenient method as you can do it at home.

  • The custom-made tray ensures that the whitening gel is distributed evenly, resulting in uniform whitening.

  • It is a cost-effective method compared to in-office treatments.


  • Tray-based teeth whitening can take longer to see results, depending on the concentration of the whitening gel.

  • There is a risk of gum irritation if the tray does not fit properly or if the gel comes into contact with the gums.

In-office Teeth Whitening

In-office teeth whitening is a whitening procedure that uses a special light to activate a whitening gel. The whitening gel used in chairside whitening contains hydrogen peroxide and is applied directly to the teeth. The light is then used to activate the gel, which penetrates the enamel of the teeth and removes the stains. The most popular brands of chairside whitening products & equipment include Opalescence™ and Zoom.


  • In-office teeth whitening is a fast method, and you can see results in just one session.

  • The procedure is performed by a dental professional, which ensures safety and effectiveness.

  • In-office teeth whitening uses a higher concentration of whitening gel, which means you can achieve whiter teeth than with at-home methods.


  • In-office teeth whitening is more expensive than at-home methods.

  • There is a risk of tooth sensitivity, which can be managed by using desensitizing agents.

Both tray-based and in-office teeth whitening methods are effective in whitening teeth. Tray-based whitening is a convenient and cost-effective option that can be done at home, while in-office teeth whitening provides fast and noticeable results. It's important to consult with your dentist to determine which method is best for you based on your budget, time, and dental health.

At Harelick Dental we encourage you to opt for tray-based teeth whitening if you have the time as it is less expensive and can be repeated at home.

With the right method, you can achieve a brighter and more confident smile!